Liquidity Reward Portal (LRP)

Anyone who provides liquidity in Liquidity Reward Portal for $CRCN-$BTC of {} pool will get LP tokens named "TBD". These LP tokens can be staked in our LRP portal to earn $CRCN reward. This is called Yield Farming.

A total of 175,000,000 $CRCN tokens are allocated in this LR Portal for 8 years reward period as defined in tokenomics.


  • Earn $CRCN rewards Earn more $CRCN with your $CRCN. Reward claims can be done at any time. 10% is unlocked immediately and 90% is vested for 180 days.

  • Earn even more $CRCN rewards Whenever a reward from the Vesting pool is claimed early by another Liquidity Provider, 20% of early claim is charged. Part of this revenue will be distributed as bonus reward to all Yield farmers.

  • Power up your Checker Profile Level By depositing your $CRCN in the LRP, you will be eligible for future in-platform airdrops that can be used to boost or level up your Checker Profile Rank.

WARNING: Depositing $CRCN in LRP is for long-term hodlers only! READ ON.

Depositing $CRCN

You can use the LR Portal by depositing equal value amounts of $CRCN and $BTC.

$CRCN LP Removal Fee

Because $CRCN is so extremely valuable, there is a withdrawal fee of 0% on all tokens exiting the LRP. This amount remains in the LRP, and is split proportionally among the remaining liquidity providers.

Claiming $CRCN Rewards

You must deposit $CRCN via to be able to receive these rewards. $CRCN deposited via the Maiar pool interface will not earn rewards.

Whenever you claim $CRCN from the LRP, it only yields you 10% of the accrued $CRCN immediately, and the remaining 90% needs to be sent to the vesting schedule.

This ratio decreases over time (at 0.5% per day).

There are two types of fees: (a) LP Removal fee of 1%. (b) Early Claim Penalty of 20% from Vesting Pool

🚨 Risks

Beta Warning

CheckerChain LPR is in beta phase. Please explore and join the LRP at your own risk.

Impermanent Loss

Depositing into the Liquidity Reward Portal may expose you to impermanent loss. “impermanent loss is the difference between holding tokens in an AMM and holding them in your wallet.” - Nate Hindman​ (as explained in this link).

Last updated